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Multiple ‘Harry Potter’ TV Series Considered For HBO Max

Today, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Warner Brothers are considering developing multiple HBO Max shows set within the Harry Potter universe. The report doesn't specify which characters might be considered for the shows. They also mention that no writers have been hired for the projects as they decide which characters to adapt for the streaming... READ MORE...
Holland Chalamet Willy Wonka Banner1

Tom Holland & Timothée Chalamet Courted For WB’s ‘Willy Wonka’ Prequel Film

Today, Warner Brothers announced that their long-in-development Willy Wonka prequel will finally see the light of day. The project was announced almost 5 years ago with stars Ryan Gosling, Donald Glover, and Ezra Miller being considered for the role of eccentric candy maker Willy Wonka (originally played by Gene Wilder & Johnny Depp). Now the... READ MORE...
Thor Love Thunder Matt Damon banner1

Matt Damon Secretly Joins ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ Cast; ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Also Join

Today, it was revealed that Matt Damon had landed in Australia for a future film. He will now quarantine before being allowed on set. It was revealed that he will be returning for a role in Marvel Studios Thor: Love and Thunder. Damon cameoed in Thor: Ragnarok as stage actor Loki during a re-enactment of... READ MORE...
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Ethan Hawke Joins Marvel Studios ‘Moon Knight’ Disney+ Series as the Main Villain

Today, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Oscar-award winning actor Ethan Hawke has joined the cast of Marvel Studios Moon Knight Disney+ series. The report states that his character is being kept under wraps but he will play the shows, main villain, throughout. Some fans have speculated that he could play Werewolf by Night; the character... READ MORE...
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Chris Evans Enters Talks To Return as ‘Captain America’ in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Today, Deadline announced that Chris Evans is looking to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Captain America. The character was retired in the 1950's living his life with his long last love Peggy Carter (played by Hayley Atwell) after the events of Avengers: Endgame. It was expected that Chris Evans and Robert Downy Jr.... READ MORE...
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Harry Lennix Will Return as Martian Manhunter in Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’

In late 2019, director Zack Snyder revealed to the world that in his (yet-to-be greenlight) cut of Justice League; Martain Manhunter would be revealed to be living on earth. In his version, General Swanwick (played by Harry Lennix) would secretly be J'onn J'onzz hiding out on earth working for the US military. Now Collider has... READ MORE...