xochitl gomez

America Chavez Is The Key To The Multiverse In The ‘Doctor Strange’ Sequel

During the climax of the final episode of WandaVision on Disney+, Wanda has finally released the town of Westview, New Jersey. She begins traveling the world to find her children she first willed into existence during the series. After reading the Darkhold, she stole from Agatha Harkness, and she hears her children cry out in... Read More...

‘Young Avenger’ Hulkling Will Appear in ‘WandaVision’ Disney+ Series

Over the past several day's many reporters (including Daniel Richtman) have heard that Marvel is looking to add yet another Young Avenger into the MCU. The Illuminerdi now has learned that Teddy Altman, aka Hulkling will indeed appear on WandaVision Disney+ series. Teddy (16-23) is described as "Skrull who requires help from S.W.O.R.D. in order... Read More...
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‘Agents of S.W.O.R.D’ Will Be Introduced in Marvel’s ‘WandaVision’ Disney+ Series

Earlier this week production on Marvel Studios' upcoming Dinsey+ series WandaVision kicked off. In some of the first set images from Just Jared, it has been revealed that S.W.O.R.D will finally be introduced into the MCU. "S.W.O.R.D. (Sentient World Observation and Response Department) is a fictional counterterrorism and intelligence agency appearing in American comic books... Read More...
Doctor Strange WandaVision Banner1

RUMOR: Doctor Strange Expected To Appear in ‘WandaVision’ Disney+ Series

Today, our friend Charles Murphy over at Murphy's Multiverse revealed a new tidbit regarding the upcoming WandaVision Disney+ series. According to the report Benedict Cumberbatch is expected to appear in the series as Doctor Strange. This was pretty much expected as the events of WandaVison are going to tie directly into Doctor Strange and the... Read More...