bassam tariq

Marvel Studios Courting Director Bassam Tariq To Helm ‘Blade’

Today, Deadline announced that Marvel Studios is looking at Mogul Mowgli director Bassam Tariq to helm their vampire-hunter film Blade. No deal has been accepted yet but he looks to be the studio's top choice. They looked at several high-profile directors before landing on yet another indie director. The project has been in development for... Read More...
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The Lizard & Rhino From ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Films Will Appear in ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’

Over the weekend Jeff Sneider of Collider spoke on The Sneider Cut podcast to talk about the long-rumored villains of Spider-Man:  No Way Home. He confirmed the film will feature a "multiverse" Sinister Six including previously announced Electro (played by Jamie Foxx) and Doc Ock (played by Alfred Molina). He went onto reveal that William... Read More...
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Danai Gurira Will Return For ‘Black Panather: Wakanda Forever’ and the ‘Kingdom of Wakanda’ Disney+ Series

Recently, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that The Walking Dead and Black Panther star Danai Gurira would be returning to star in an original Black Panther series about her origin story on Disney+. The report made many believe this would be a solo series separate from the previously announced Kingdom of Wakanda series also in development... Read More...