Today, James Gunn announced on social media that DC Studios and WB Animation are developing a new animated movie focusing on Nightwing and Red Hood titled Dynamic Duo. Animation studio Swaybox will use animation, puppetry, and CGI in the film, along with a screenplay by Matt Aldrich. The movie will follow former Robin’s Dick Grayson and Jason Todd as younger thieves that team up together. It’s unknown if this will be an Elseworlds film or set somewhere in the new DCU. The Batman director Matt Reeves is also producing the film but explicitly stated that this film is not connected to his Batman universe.
Dynamic Duo has no set release date
Over the moon excited to announce the newest DC Studios/Warner Bros Pictures Animation greenlit film for theaters, DYNAMIC DUO, the story of Robin… or should I say, Robins, as in Dick Grayson and Jason Todd. The first feature film from the visionary Swaybox, a mix of animation,…
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) October 1, 2024