Benjamin Walker Will Play High-Elven King Gil-Galad in Amazon’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ TV Series

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Recently, our friends over at Fellowship of Fans have slowly revealed all the significant roles previously cast in Lord of the Rings on Amazon Prime. The series has a massive ensemble cast, but the characters they would play have been kept secret. The only elven roles revealed include Morfydd Clark (Dracula) as Galadriel and Robert Aramayo (Game of Thrones) as Elrond.

The Lord of the Rings - Elrond

Today, the fansite has revealed that Benjamin Walker (The Heart of the Sea) will play the high-elven king Gil-Galad. We at Knight Edge Media revealed the characters casting call in 2020 under the fake name “Galanion.” He was first announced by Amazon Studios back in December 2020.  In The Fellowship of the Rings prologue, the character made an extremely brief cameo. He was originally played Mark Ferguson alongside Hugo Weaving as Elrond. Several more significant elven characters have yet to be announced, including the ring maker Celebrimbor. 

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power will stream on Amazon Prime this September

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