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Hera Syndulla Will Replace Cara Dune in ‘Rangers of the New Republic’ Disney+ Series

Today, LRM Online revealed that Star Wars: Rebels character Hera Syndulla will be making her live-action debut in Rangers of the New Republic Disney+ series. The character made an appearance in Star Wars: Squadrons video game after appearing on the animated series. She is expected to contact Rangers to The Mandalorian. Cara Dune (played by... Read More...
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Lucasfilm Announces Multiple ‘Star Wars’ Disney+ Shows Including Ahsoka and Lando Calrrison

Today, during Disney's Investors Day presentation several brand new Disney+ shows were announced. After her introduction in The Mandalorian star, Rosario Dawson will be returning to star in her long-rumored spin-off series Ahsoka. The series will follow the character as she hunts down Grand Admiral Thrawn across the galaxy. The studio also announced that a... Read More...