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DC Studios ‘Lanterns’ TV Series Enters Production Today

Today, DC Studios co-head James Gunn announced on social media that the upcoming Lanterns TV show has officially entered production. This will be the first live-action Green Lantern project since Ryan Reynolds starred in the critically panned 2011 Green Lantern movie. However, this time, we will get an older Hal Jordan (played by Kyle Chandler)... Read More...
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DC Studios Plans On Releasing Multiple Animated & Live-Action Projects Per Year Going Foward

Last week, DC Studios held a private event with several members of the media to discuss their current slate of projects in-production or in development. This was similar to their original announcment in 2022 from James Gunn and Peter Safran. The slate announced this past week was extreamly similar to what was previosuly announced. For... Read More...
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Mike Flanagan To Pen DC Studios ‘Clayface’ Live-Action Movie

In 2021, writer and director Mike Flanagan revealed on Twitter that he had long wanted to pitch a Clayflace live-action body-horror movie to DC Comics. Clayface has been a less popular, though known Batman villain from the comics. Flanagan is best known for writing many thrillers, including the Netflix shows The Haunting of Hill House,... Read More...