Geeked Week 23′: ‘One Piece’ Season 1 Blooper Reel Released

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Today, as Netflix’s streaming event Geeked Week begins to wind down, a blooper reel has been released for One Piece. The live-action adaption of the classic anime hit the streaming service in the summer. One Piece has already been announced for a second season, including a full writers’ room hired following the WGA writer strike. Now, you can see your favorite Star Hat crew behind the real-life sets in South Africa. The cast includes Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy, Emily Rudd as Nami, Mackenyu Arata as Roronoa Zoro, Jacob Romero Gibbs as Usopp, and Taz Skylar as Sanji.

One Piece is streaming on Netflix now

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