Director Mike Flanagan Developing ‘The Dark Tower’ TV Series Remake For Amazon Studios

Mike Flanagan the dark tower elba remake banner

Recently, longtime director Mike Flanagan left his home at Netflix to sign a first-look deal with Amazon Studios. The director created several hit supernatural shows, including The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, and Midnight Mass. He also helped write and direct the Stephen King adaption of Doctor Sleep, the sequel to the cult classic The Shining. Throughout the process, Flanagan (via his Tumblr blog) revealed that the only thing he was stressed about was impressing author Stephen King with his take on the book. King famously hated The Shining film by director Stanley Kubrick for changing his book ending. His adaption ended up tanking at the box office but impressed King so much that he has recanted some of his previous statements regarding The Shining.

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Deadline has announced that the first project Flanagan is helping develop at Amazon is yet another crack at The Dark Tower from author Stephen King once again. A feature film starring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey came out in 2017. Several false starts on a possible reboot have happened since the film debuted. The series is planned to be 5-season long, with two feature films possibly following after. Flanagan’s partner Trevor Macy will help produce the massive series under their Intrepid Pictures banner.

The Dark Tower has no set release date

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