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TRAILER: The Eldritch Terrors Return to Greendale in ‘The Chilling Adventure of Sabrina’ Season 4 The Eldritch Terrors will descend upon Greendale. The coven must fight each terrifying threat one-by-one (The Weird, The Returned, The Darkness to name a few), all leading up to…The Void, which is the End of All Things. As the witches wage war, with the help of The Fright Club, Nick begins to slowly earn... Read More...
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Netflix’s ‘The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’ Cancelled After Season 4

Today, Netflix announced it would be canceling their Riverdale spin-off series The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. The recent ax comes as a surprise to many fans who have praised Sabrina's writing compared to it's CW counterpart Riverdale. Showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa goes onto say “Working on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina has been an incredible honor from... Read More...
Sabrina S3 Trailer1 Banner

TRAILER: Hell Is Under New Management in ‘The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’ Season 3 Though she defeated her father Lucifer, the Dark Lord remains trapped within the human prison of her beloved boyfriend, Nicholas Scratch. Sabrina can’t live with herself, knowing that Nick made the ultimate sacrifice and is suffering, burning in Hell under Madam Satan’s watchful eye. So with an assist from her mortal friends, ‘The Fright... Read More...