Today, actor Jason Momoa took to Instagram to announce he has been cast as the ultra-violent alien bounty hunter Lobo in the new DC Cinematic Universe from James Gunn. The actor already spoke to the DC Studios in 2022 before Aquaman 2 even hit theaters to discuss his future with DC. He has long wanted to bring the character to life but was ultimately cast as Arthur Curry by Zack Snyder in 2014.
Over the summer, a rumor stated the studio would use Lobo in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow based on comic book writer Tom King’s original pitch. Now, he will appear first in Supergirl alongside co-star Milly Alcock before appearing in future DC Studio projects. Craig Gillespie will direct from a script by Ana Nogueira. Production begins January 13th, 2025.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow hits theaters on June 26th, 2026
Source: Deadline