DC Studios Have Spoken With Ben Affleck To Direct A Future Project

ben affleck dc studios batman

Yesterday, the news dropped that DC Studios co-head James Gunn will pen a brand new Superman film under his regime. The general consensus is that Gunn and Peter Safran’s vision for the DC Universe will be a total reboot of the Snyderverse era actors. However, Gunn took to Twitter to reveal he will be recasting Superman from Henry Cavill but wants to work with the actor on a future project.

deathstroke justice league lex luthor 2017

He also revealed in a subsequent tweet that he met with Ben Affleck this week about directing a future DC project. While it’s no secret, Affleck struggled with alcoholism during his time as Batman, which lead him to walk away from DC. He has always been a great director under Warner Brothers with The Town and Argo. It’s unknown what project he will direct, but it would be interesting if he returns to his shelved Batman screenplay with a new actor under the cowl featuring Deathstroke. Rumors also began earlier this week that Gunn wanted to connect Matt Reeve’s Batman universe starring Robert Pattinson to the new DC Universe. Both Gunn and Matt Reeves shot down the rumor almost as quickly as it began.

Ben Affleck’s Untitled DC Movie has no set release date

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