‘Peacemaker’ & ‘Halo’ TV Series Get A Second Season

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Recently, Paramount held an Investors Day Meeting to announce their upcoming slate of streaming shows and movies. They announced that Halo would be getting a second season ahead of the first season’s debut during the stream. This is massive for those skeptical on the upcoming Paramount+ show. The show is an adaptation of the classic Xbox game by Microsoft.


During their TCA conference this week, HBO Max also announced Peacemaker would be getting a second season. The Suicide Squad spin-off series got critical and commercial claims for its raunchy anti-hero played by John Cena. The season finale debuted this week with the introduction of the Justice League. Both Jason Momoa and Ezra Miller shot the cameo. While Wonder Woman and Superman were in the cameo, they used stand-ins instead of Gal Gadot and Henry Cavill.

Peacemaker is streaming on HBO Max; Halo will stream on Paramount+

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