Marvel Studios Courting Director Bassam Tariq To Helm ‘Blade’

bassam tariq

Today, Deadline announced that Marvel Studios is looking at Mogul Mowgli director Bassam Tariq to helm their vampire-hunter film Blade. No deal has been accepted yet but he looks to be the studio’s top choice. They looked at several high-profile directors before landing on yet another indie director. The project has been in development for several years after Marvel head Kevin Feige announced at San Deigo Comic-Con 2019 that Mahershala Ali has been cast in the title role. Earlier this year Stacy Osei-Kuffour joined the project to pen the script. Production was expected to begin this September but has since been pushed to summer 2022.

Blade has no set release date

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| Editor-in-Chief of Knight Edge Media | Film & TV Reporter | Social Media Manager |

Caleb began his film and television news reporting career during high school in 2008 by creating Superhero Movie News and part-time writing on Eventually, he started Omega Underground with Christopher Marc in 2015. Breaking some major news stories throughout the industry and gaining recognition as a respectable film reporter on social media.

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