Based on the true story of Jann Mardenborough, the film is the ultimate wish fulfillment tale of a teenage Gran Turismo player whose gaming skills won a series of Nissan competitions to become an actual professional racecar driver. Gran Tursimo hits theaters on August 11th
Tag: Gran Turismo
David Harbour and Orlando Bloom Headline Sony’s ‘Gran Turismo’ Movie
Today, The Hollywood Reporter announced that actor Orlando Bloom (Lord of the Rings) will co-star in Sony Pictures upcoming Gran Turismo feature film. He will join David Harbour (Black Widow), who will star in the high-octane car video game adaption. Up-and-coming star Archie Madekwe will also star in the film. Earlier this year, District 9 […]
Director Neill Blomkamp Eyed To Helm Sony Pictures ‘Gran Turismo’
Today, a rumor went out that Sony Pictures was looking to adapt their authentic driving simulator games Gran Turismo for a streaming service. While that still may be on the table a feature film is also in the works. According to Deadline, District 9 and Elysium director Neill Blomkamp is being eyed to helm the […]