action figure

Kord Industries Will Be Featured In DC Comics ‘Blue Beetle’

Today, during the DCFanDome streaming event, a panel for the upcoming Blue Beetle series took place. Director Angel Manuel Soto, writer Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer and star Xolo Maridueña, spoke about the show. They reveal that the film with being deeply Latino in origin for a Mexican-American family. They revealed the show's first concept art (above) of... Read More...
the suicide squad starro banner

Starro the Conqueror Confirmed as ‘The Suicide Squad’ Main Antagonist

Right before DCFanDome, this past Saturday our friends over at Splash Report &  The Illuminerdi revealed the possible villain in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad. According to their report, the space starfish Starro the Conqueror will be the films, primary antagonist. Starro was the first villain that brought the original Justice League together in The... Read More...