Screenwriter Derek Connolly Set To Pen Paramount’s ‘Transformers/G.I.Joe’ Crossover Movie

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Today, a report has revealed that screenwriter Derek Connolly has been tapped to pen the upcoming untitled Transformers/G.I.Joe crossover movie event for Paramount Pictures. Connolly is best known for writing the original Jurassic World movie, Detective Pikachu, and recently was hired to pen The Legend of Zelda live-action movie for Sony.

transformers gi joe animated comic

Recently, Chris Hemsworth was tapped to star in the film. It’s unknown which Joes or Autobots will appear in the upcoming film. In the comics, Cobra Commander gains access to the All Spark and gains control of Earth’s machines. Though it’s unknown if that will be the the story used for this massive crossover event film. No director has been attached yet.

G.I.Joe/Transformers crossover movie has no set release date

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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| Editor-in-Chief of Knight Edge Media | Film & TV Reporter | Social Media Manager |

Caleb began his film and television news reporting career during high school in 2008 by creating Superhero Movie News and part-time writing on Eventually, he started Omega Underground with Christopher Marc in 2015. Breaking some major news stories throughout the industry and gaining recognition as a respectable film reporter on social media.

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